2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Disc Brake Kit Parts

Showing 1 - 10 of 51 products

Transit Auto
  • Front Rear Ceramic Pad Coat Disc Brake Rotors Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Front Rear Ceramic Pads And Coated Disc Brake Rotors Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KGA-103264
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Rear Ceramic Pad Coat Disc Brake Rotors Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 4x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 4x Disc Rotor 2x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set (hardware Included) + 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Ceramic Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Rear Ceramic Pads And Coated Disc Brake Rotors Kit Kga-103264
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 4x Genius Disc Rotor 2x Ameribrakes Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 6
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Front Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included) + 2x Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Ceramic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Rear Ceramic Pads And Coated Disc Brake Rotors Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kga-103264
    • WebNameShort: Front Rear Ceramic Pads And Coated Disc Brake Rotors Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kga-103264
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 4x Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Rear Ceramic Pads And Coated Disc Brake Rotors Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kga-103264
    • WebNameEbay2: [front+rear] Ceramic Pad & Coated Brake Rotor Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Ceramic Pad Coat Disc Brake Rotors Front Rear Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Front Rear Ceramic Pad Coat Disc Brake Rotors Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • AmeriBRAKES pads are engineered with vehicle-optimized formulas matching OE specs for optimal braking
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • Exclusive carbon enhanced materials to ensure optimal all-condition performance
    • Exclusive G-Coat™ double-layer (8µm) protective coating provides rust protection on 100% of the non-braking surface
    • 1:1 OE Design - Chamfered and slotted only when applicable to ensure safety and perfect fit
    • 100% Precision Spin and Mill-Balanced for smoother stopping and zero vibration at any speed
    • OE Designed shims for virtually no vibration and noiseless braking
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Rear Ceramic AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Set (Hardware I
    • Kit Variations: K8A-102841 K8A-102842 K8C-101378 K8F-101316 K8S-101371 K8T-101429 KC8-100971S KC8-100982C KC8-101114P KC8-101137T KC8-102339N KC8-102340N KCG-100920C KCG-100920S KCG-100938T KCG-100989P KCG-102145N KCG-102146N KGA-103263 KG
    • Part Reference Numbers : AC31489 AG31489 CR31489 PR31489 31489 YH200447C YH200447 120.51028 121.51028 BR900446 HY-364 248880595 48880595 748880595 900446 EC31489 980595 BD126511E BD126511 PRC1202 8322 8400 8493 8929 AD8322 AD8400 AD8493 PF
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
120.51025, 120.51028, 1202, 121.51025, 121.51028, 1297, 1384, 1385, 248880478, 248880595, 31441, 31489, 48880478, 48880595, 748880478, 748880595, 8322, 8400...VIEW MORE

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front and Rear

Transit Auto
  • Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KGA-103393
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 2x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 2x Disc Rotor 1x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Ceramic Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit Kga-103393
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 2x Genius Disc Rotor 1x Ameribrakes Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 3
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Ceramic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kga-103393
    • WebNameShort: Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kga-103393
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 2x Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kga-103393
    • WebNameEbay2: [rear] Coated Disc Brake Rotors & Ceramic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pad Rear Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • AmeriBRAKES pads are engineered with vehicle-optimized formulas matching OE specs for optimal braking
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • Exclusive carbon enhanced materials to ensure optimal all-condition performance
    • Exclusive G-Coat™ double-layer (8µm) protective coating provides rust protection on 100% of the non-braking surface
    • 1:1 OE Design - Chamfered and slotted only when applicable to ensure safety and perfect fit
    • 100% Precision Spin and Mill-Balanced for smoother stopping and zero vibration at any speed
    • OE Designed shims for virtually no vibration and noiseless braking
    • Kit Includes: 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Rear Ceramic AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
    • Kit Variations: K8A-101160 K8A-108621 K8A-109218 K8C-104082 K8C-104206 K8F-101834 K8F-104611 K8F-104958 K8S-101860 K8S-104375 K8S-104726 K8T-101964 KC8-100211T KC8-100492S KC8-100571P KC8-100996N KCG-100193T KCG-100214S KCG-100221P KCG-100
    • Part Reference Numbers : AC31441 AG31441 CR31441 PR31441 31441 YH200448C YH200448 120.51025 121.51025 BR900448 HY-365 248880478 48880478 748880478 900448 EC31441 980478 BD126530E BD126530 PRC1297 8414 AD8414 PF8414X QE8414X SG8414X SS8414X
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
120.51025, 121.51025, 1297, 248880478, 31441, 48880478, 748880478, 8414, 900448, 980478, AD8414, BD126530, BD126530E, BR900448, D1297, HY-365, PF8414X, PR31441...VIEW MORE

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Rear

Transit Auto
  • Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8A-104830
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 2x Cmx Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 2x Disc Rotor 1x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Front Cmx Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit K8a-104830
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 2x Cmx Disc Rotor 1x Ameribrakes Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 3
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8a-104830
    • WebNameShort: Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8a-104830
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 2x Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8a-104830
    • WebNameEbay2: [front] Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Front Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Front Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • AmeriBRAKES pads are engineered with vehicle-optimized formulas matching OE specs for optimal braking
    • Engineered with carbon-enhanced XCast™ (G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal wear resistance, tensile strength and steel hardness providing unmatched braking performance
    • Exclusive carbon enhanced materials to ensure optimal all-condition performance
    • 100% Precision Spin and Mill-Balanced for smoother stopping and zero vibration at any speed
    • 1:1 OE Design - Chamfered and slotted only when applicable to ensure safety and perfect fit
    • Cross-Hatched smooth surface to improve the pad's ability to grip the rotor surface, especially during initial brake applications or in wet conditions
    • OE Designed shims for virtually no vibration and noiseless braking
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front CMX Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic AmeriBRAKES Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
    • Kit Variations: K8A-104831 K8C-100556 K8F-100506 K8S-100539 K8T-100549 KC8-100034C KC8-100034P KC8-100314S KC8-100601T KC8-100605N KC8-100606N KCG-100109N KCG-100110N KCG-100509P KCG-100629S KCG-100745C KCG-100760T KGA-101000 KGA-101001 KG
    • Part Reference Numbers : AC31489 AG31489 CR31489 PR31489 31489 YH200447C YH200447 120.51028 121.51028 BR900446 HY-364 248880595 48880595 748880595 900446 Q31489 980595 BD126511 PRC1202 8322 8400 8493 8929 AD8322 AD8400 AD8493 PF8322X PF840
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
120.51028, 1202, 121.51028, 1384, 1385, 248880595, 31489, 48880595, 748880595, 8322, 8400, 8493, 8929, 900446, 980595, AD8322, AD8400, AD8493...VIEW MORE

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front

Transit Auto
  • Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8F-100506
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 2x Cmx Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 2x Disc Rotor 1x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Front Cmx Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Semi-metallic Positive Plus Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit K8f-100506
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 2x Cmx Disc Rotor 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 3
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Front Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Semi-metallic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8f-100506
    • WebNameShort: Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8f-100506
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 2x Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe K8f-100506
    • WebNameEbay2: [front] Disc Brake Rotors & Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pad Front Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Front Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • PPF USA-engineered low-resin Semi-Metallic formula eliminates brake fade and glazing for optimal braking power
    • Engineered with carbon-enhanced XCast™ (G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal wear resistance, tensile strength and steel hardness providing unmatched braking performance
    • High density friction material to ensure a long pad life and excellent stopping power
    • 100% Precision Spin and Mill-Balanced for smoother stopping and zero vibration at any speed
    • Premium rubber core multi-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
    • Cross-Hatched smooth surface to improve the pad's ability to grip the rotor surface, especially during initial brake applications or in wet conditions
    • Precise laser-cut channel cut provides a superior thermal stability and prevent overheating
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front CMX Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Semi-Metallic Positive Plus Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
    • Kit Variations: K8A-104830 K8A-104831 K8C-100556 K8S-100539 K8T-100549 KC8-100034C KC8-100034P KC8-100314S KC8-100601T KC8-100605N KC8-100606N KCG-100109N KCG-100110N KCG-100509P KCG-100629S KCG-100745C KCG-100760T KGA-101000 KGA-101001 KG
    • Part Reference Numbers : AC31489 AG31489 CR31489 PR31489 31489 YH200447C YH200447 120.51028 121.51028 BR900446 HY-364 248880595 48880595 748880595 900446 Q31489 980595 BD126511 8400 8493 8929 8322 SG8322X PF8400X AD8322 AD8400 AD8493 PF832
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
120.51028, 1202, 121.51028, 248880595, 31489, 48880595, 748880595, 8322, 8400, 8493, 8929, 900446, 980595, AD8322, AD8400, AD8493, AG31489, ASR-HY-364...VIEW MORE

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front

Transit Auto
  • Front Coated Disc Brake Rotor And Ceramic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Front Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KGC-100589
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Coated Disc Brake Rotor And Ceramic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 2x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Cmx Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 2x Disc Rotor 1x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic Cmx Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit Kgc-100589
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 2x Genius Disc Rotor 1x Cmx Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 3
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Front Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgc-100589
    • WebNameShort: Front Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgc-100589
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 2x Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgc-100589
    • WebNameEbay2: [front] Coated Disc Brake Rotor & Ceramic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Coated Disc Brake Rotor And Ceramic Pad Front Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Front Coated Disc Brake Rotor And Ceramic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • Exclusive high-density ceramic formula for optimal braking power and quietness. Our formula provides unmatched braking power in hot or cold weather with optimal pad life
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • Precision manufactured to meet automotive-industry TS16949 quality certification standard
    • Exclusive G-Coat™ double-layer (8µm) protective coating provides rust protection on 100% of the non-braking surface
    • Quiet Channel Technology: Advanced materials virtually eliminate the usual noise caused by misalignment
    • 100% Precision Spin and Mill-Balanced for smoother stopping and zero vibration at any speed
    • Precise laser-cut channel cut provides a superior thermal stability and prevent overheating
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic CMX Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
    • Kit Variations: K8A-104830 K8A-104831 K8C-100556 K8F-100506 K8S-100539 K8T-100549 KC8-100034C KC8-100034P KC8-100314S KC8-100601T KC8-100605N KC8-100606N KCG-100109N KCG-100110N KCG-100509P KCG-100629S KCG-100745C KCG-100760T KGA-101000 KG
    • Part Reference Numbers : AC31489 AG31489 CR31489 PR31489 31489 YH200447C YH200447 120.51028 121.51028 BR900446 HY-364 248880595 48880595 748880595 900446 EC31489 980595 BD126511E BD126511 8400 8493 8929 8322 SG8322X PF8400X AD8322 AD8400 A
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
120.51028, 1202, 121.51028, 248880595, 31489, 48880595, 748880595, 8322, 8400, 8493, 8929, 900446, 980595, AD8322, AD8400, AD8493, BD126511, BD126511E...VIEW MORE

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front

Transit Auto
  • Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Ceramic Pad Kit (10Pc) For Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KCG-102145N
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotor & Ceramic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 4x Cmx Disc Brake Caliper, 4x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 4x Disc Brake Caliper 4x Disc Rotor 2x Brake Pad
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10pc) Kcg-102145n
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 4x Cmx Disc Brake Caliper 4x Genius Disc Rotor 2x Ameribrakes Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 10
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10pc) For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-102145n
    • WebNameShort: Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotors & Ceramic Pad Kit (10pc) For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-102145n
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 4x Disc Brake Caliper, 4x Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10pc) For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-102145n
    • WebNameEbay2: [front+rear] Brake Caliper Coat Rotor Ceramic Pad Kit For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Ceramic Pad Front Rear Kit (10pc) For Hyundai Santa Fe
    • Caliper Finish: Zinc
    • WebNameEbay: Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Ceramic Pad Kit (10pc) For Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
    • AmeriBRAKES pads are engineered with vehicle-optimized formulas matching OE specs for optimal braking
    • Reinforced piston (FeSi) features higher tolerance to pressure and increased wear resistance
    • Industrial grade ZincShield™ caliper coating provides an unmatched protection against Rust, Moisture and Oxidation
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • Exclusive carbon enhanced materials to ensure optimal all-condition performance
    • High temperature EPDM rubber dust boots and premium silicone lubricant are used for a smoother operation and an extended product life
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front CMX Disc Brake Caliper (Both Side) + 2x Rear CMX Disc Brake Caliper (Both Side) + 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic AmeriBRAKE
    • Kit Variations: K8A-102841 K8A-102842 K8C-101378 K8F-101316 K8S-101371 K8T-101429 KC8-100971S KC8-100982C KC8-101114P KC8-101137T KC8-102339N KC8-102340N KCG-100920C KCG-100920S KCG-100938T KCG-100989P KCG-102146N KGA-103263 KGA-103264 KGC
    • Part Reference Numbers : 19A3211 SLB20173 2C-3211 19-P3211 19-B3211 SC0469 SC0487 C51252 1976XB 99-00838B 99-01851B 10-03537-1 FRC12062N FRC12062C FRC12062 CN2307 19A3210 SLB20172 2C-3210 19-P3210 19-B3210 SC0470 SC0488 C51251 1976XA 99-00
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front and Rear

Transit Auto
  • Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Ceramic Pad Kit (10Pc) For Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10Pc) For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KCG-102146N
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotor & Ceramic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 4x Cmx Disc Brake Caliper, 4x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Ameribrakes Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 4x Disc Brake Caliper 4x Disc Rotor 2x Brake Pad
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10pc) Kcg-102146n
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 4x Cmx Disc Brake Caliper 4x Genius Disc Rotor 2x Ameribrakes Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 10
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10pc) For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-102146n
    • WebNameShort: Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotors & Ceramic Pad Kit (10pc) For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-102146n
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 4x Disc Brake Caliper, 4x Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Rear Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Ceramic Pads Kit (10pc) For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-102146n
    • WebNameEbay2: [front+rear] Brake Caliper Coat Rotor Ceramic Pad Kit For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Ceramic Pad Front Rear Kit (10pc) For Hyundai Santa Fe
    • Caliper Finish: Zinc
    • WebNameEbay: Front Rear Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Ceramic Pad Kit (10pc) For Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
    • AmeriBRAKES pads are engineered with vehicle-optimized formulas matching OE specs for optimal braking
    • Reinforced piston (FeSi) features higher tolerance to pressure and increased wear resistance
    • Industrial grade ZincShield™ caliper coating provides an unmatched protection against Rust, Moisture and Oxidation
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • Exclusive carbon enhanced materials to ensure optimal all-condition performance
    • High temperature EPDM rubber dust boots and premium silicone lubricant are used for a smoother operation and an extended product life
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front CMX Disc Brake Caliper (Both Side) + 2x Rear CMX Disc Brake Caliper (Both Side) + 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Ceramic AmeriBRAKE
    • Kit Variations: K8A-102841 K8A-102842 K8C-101378 K8F-101316 K8S-101371 K8T-101429 KC8-100971S KC8-100982C KC8-101114P KC8-101137T KC8-102339N KC8-102340N KCG-100920C KCG-100920S KCG-100938T KCG-100989P KCG-102145N KGA-103263 KGA-103264 KGC
    • Part Reference Numbers : 19A3211 SLB20173 2C-3211 19-P3211 19-B3211 SC0469 SC0487 C51252 1976XB 99-00838B 99-01851B 10-03537-1 FRC12062N FRC12062C FRC12062 CN2307 19A3210 SLB20172 2C-3210 19-P3210 19-B3210 SC0470 SC0488 C51251 1976XA 99-00
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front and Rear

Transit Auto
  • Front Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Semi-Metallic Pad Kit For 07-09 Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KCG-100629S
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Semi-metallic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 2x Cmx Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Sim Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 2x Disc Brake Caliper 2x Disc Rotor 1x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Front Cmx Disc Brake Caliper (both Side) + 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Semi-metallic Sim Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit Kcg-100629s
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 2x Cmx Disc Brake Caliper 2x Genius Disc Rotor 1x Sim Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 5
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Front Disc Brake Caliper (both Side) + 2x Front Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Semi-metallic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-100629s
    • WebNameShort: Front Disc Brake Caliper Coat Rotor Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-100629s
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 2x Disc Brake Caliper, 2x Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Disc Brake Caliper Coated Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kcg-100629s
    • WebNameEbay2: [front] Disc Brake Caliper Coat Rotor Semi-metallic Pad Kit For Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Semi-metallic Pad Front Kit For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Front Brake Caliper Coat Rotors Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • CMX new calipers are manufactured to exacting OE standards to ensure a perfect performance for the life of the vehicle
    • SIM Exclusive low-resin Semi-Metallic formula eliminates brake fade and glazing for optimal braking power
    • Reinforced piston (FeSi) features higher tolerance to pressure and increased wear resistance
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • High density friction material to ensure a long pad life and excellent stopping power
    • High temperature EPDM rubber dust boots and premium silicone lubricant are used for a smoother operation and an extended product life
    • Exclusive G-Coat™ double-layer (8µm) protective coating provides rust protection on 100% of the non-braking surface
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front CMX Disc Brake Caliper (Both Side) + 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Semi-Metallic SIM Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
    • Kit Variations: K8A-104830 K8A-104831 K8C-100556 K8F-100506 K8S-100539 K8T-100549 KC8-100034C KC8-100034P KC8-100314S KC8-100601T KC8-100605N KC8-100606N KCG-100109N KCG-100110N KCG-100509P KCG-100745C KCG-100760T KGA-101000 KGA-101001 KGC
    • Part Reference Numbers : 19A3211 SLB20173 2C-3211 19-P3211 19-B3211 SC0469 SC0487 C51252 1976XB 99-00838B 99-01851B 10-03537-1 FRC12062N FRC12062C FRC12062 CN2307 19A3210 SLB20172 2C-3210 19-P3210 19-B3210 SC0470 SC0488 C51251 1976XA 99-00
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front

Transit Auto
  • Rear Coat Disc Brake Rotors Semi-Metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KGF-101444
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Rear Coat Disc Brake Rotors Semi-metallic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 2x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 2x Disc Rotor 1x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Semi-metallic Positive Plus Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit Kgf-101444
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 2x Genius Disc Rotor 1x Positive Plus Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 3
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Semi-metallic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgf-101444
    • WebNameShort: Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgf-101444
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 2x Disc Brake Rotor, 1x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgf-101444
    • WebNameEbay2: [rear] Coated Brake Rotor & Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Coat Disc Brake Rotors Semi-metallic Pad Rear Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Rear Coat Disc Brake Rotors Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • PPF USA-engineered low-resin Semi-Metallic formula eliminates brake fade and glazing for optimal braking power
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • High density friction material to ensure a long pad life and excellent stopping power
    • Exclusive G-Coat™ double-layer (8µm) protective coating provides rust protection on 100% of the non-braking surface
    • Premium rubber core multi-layer rubberized shims reduce noise-causing vibration
    • 100% Precision Spin and Mill-Balanced for smoother stopping and zero vibration at any speed
    • Precise laser-cut channel cut provides a superior thermal stability and prevent overheating
    • Kit Includes: 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Rear Semi-Metallic Positive Plus Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included)
    • Kit Variations: K8A-101160 K8A-108621 K8A-109218 K8C-104082 K8C-104206 K8F-101834 K8F-104611 K8F-104958 K8S-101860 K8S-104375 K8S-104726 K8T-101964 KC8-100211T KC8-100492S KC8-100571P KC8-100996N KCG-100193T KCG-100214S KCG-100221P KCG-100
    • Part Reference Numbers : AC31441 AG31441 CR31441 PR31441 31441 YH200448C YH200448 120.51025 121.51025 BR900448 HY-365 248880478 48880478 748880478 900448 EC31441 980478 BD126530E BD126530 8414 SG8414X PF8414X AD8414 QE8414X SS8414X D1297 1
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
120.51025, 121.51025, 1297, 248880478, 31441, 48880478, 748880478, 8414, 900448, 980478, AD8414, BD126530, BD126530E, BR900448, D1297, GCR-HY-365, HY-365, PF8414X...VIEW MORE

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Rear

Transit Auto
  • Front Rear Coat Brake Rotor Semi-Metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa F
  • Transit Auto Front Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-Metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe KGS-100989
  • Transit Auto
  • Product Attributes:
    • WebNameEbay4: For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Front Rear Coat Brake Rotor Semi-metallic Pad Kit
    • ComponentsSummaryRegularWithBrands: 4x Genius Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Sim Brake Pad Set
    • ComponentsSummaryShort: 4x Disc Rotor 2x Brake Pad
    • ComponentsSummaryLongWithBrands: 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Semi-metallic Sim Brake Pad Set (hardware Included) + 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Semi-metallic Sim Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNamePlain: Transit Auto Front Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit Kgs-100989
    • ComponentsSummaryShortWithBrands: 4x Genius Disc Rotor 2x Sim Brake Pad
    • NumberOfPieces: 6
    • ComponentsSummaryLong: 2x Front Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Front Semi-metallic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included) + 2x Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotor (both Side) + 1x Rear Semi-metallic Brake Pad Set (hardware Included)
    • WebNameLong: Transit Auto Front Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgs-100989
    • WebNameShort: Front Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotor & Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgs-100989
    • ComponentsSummaryRegular: 4x Disc Brake Rotor, 2x Brake Pad Set
    • WebNameRegular: Transit Auto Front Rear Coated Disc Brake Rotors And Semi-metallic Pads Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe Kgs-100989
    • WebNameEbay2: [front+rear] Coated Brake Rotor Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 07-09 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay3: Coat Brake Rotor Semi-metallic Pad Front Rear Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
    • WebNameEbay: Front Rear Coat Brake Rotor Semi-metallic Pad Kit For 2007-2009 Hyundai Santa Fe
  • Features:
    • SIM Exclusive low-resin Semi-Metallic formula eliminates brake fade and glazing for optimal braking power
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • High density friction material to ensure a long pad life and excellent stopping power
    • Exclusive G-Coat™ double-layer (8µm) protective coating provides rust protection on 100% of the non-braking surface
    • Premium shims for provides increased strength and insulation against noise
    • 100% Precision Spin and Mill-Balanced for smoother stopping and zero vibration at any speed
    • Precise laser-cut channel cut provides a superior thermal stability and prevent overheating
    • Kit Includes: 2x Front Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Front Semi-Metallic SIM Brake Pad Set (Hardware Included) + 2x Rear Coated Genius Disc Brake Rotor (Both Side) + 1x Rear Semi-Metallic SIM Brake Pad Set (Hardware Inclu
    • Kit Variations: K8A-102841 K8A-102842 K8C-101378 K8F-101316 K8S-101371 K8T-101429 KC8-100971S KC8-100982C KC8-101114P KC8-101137T KC8-102339N KC8-102340N KCG-100920C KCG-100920S KCG-100938T KCG-100989P KCG-102145N KCG-102146N KGA-103263 KG
    • Part Reference Numbers : AC31489 AG31489 CR31489 PR31489 31489 YH200447C YH200447 120.51028 121.51028 BR900446 HY-364 248880595 48880595 748880595 900446 EC31489 980595 BD126511E BD126511 8400 8493 8929 8322 SG8322X PF8400X AD8322 AD8400 A
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.

This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
120.51025, 120.51028, 1202, 121.51025, 121.51028, 1297, 248880478, 248880595, 31441, 31489, 48880478, 48880595, 748880478, 748880595, 8322, 8400, 8414, 8493...VIEW MORE

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2009 - Hyundai Santa Fe Front and Rear
Showing 1 - 10 of 51 products
