1997 Subaru Impreza Engine Crankcase O Ring Parts

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products

Nippon Reinz
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Production: 10/01/1997-, 19.2 x 2.4mm O-Ring
  • 19.2 x 2.4mm O-Ring (Between Crankcase Halves)

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Prod. Date Range
1997 - Subaru Impreza Fr:10-01-97

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • This is a rubber o-ring for the service hole cover (11093 AA000) on the rear of the crank case. This is also used as an AT o-ring for certain applications.

Additional Fitment Information:
1997 - Subaru Impreza

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • This is a aluminum washer to be used on the cylinder block plugs. 34mm OD.

Additional Fitment Information:
1997 - Subaru Impreza

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • This is a sealing washer for the Long Bolt that holds the Cylinder Block (Crankcase Halves) Together. Metal outer seal o-ring with a rubber seal inside. 19.5 mm OD
  • Crankcase bolt sealing washer.

Additional Fitment Information:
1997 - Subaru Impreza

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Production: -09/30/1997
  • 19.2 x 2.4mm O-Ring

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Prod. Date Range
1997 - Subaru Impreza To:09-30-97

  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Aluminium washer for the large plugs on Crankcase

Additional Fitment Information:
1997 - Subaru Impreza

  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Aluminium washer for the large plug on top of Crankcase
  • Aluminium washer for the large plugs on Crankcase

Additional Fitment Information:
1997 - Subaru Impreza
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 products
