Installed in my 1997 Mazda Miata, 104k miles. Time consuming to install but with multilink suspension, it's a whole lot of bushings. It gave me an excellent opportunity to clean and inspect many items you don't normally dig into. Replaced my noisy rear wheel bearings while I had them out and renewed all brakes.Removing the old bushings was easy with my torch and an air hammer but I would suggest protection (paper, plastic, buckets, drain pans... all) under your work area as the melted rubber, once cooled is permanent, sticky and transfers easily to shoes or anything that touches it. Very messy stuff.I suggest, also, marking your alignment eccentrics prior to loosening to give you a good, baseline alignment when you go back together. An alignment after install should be done.Putting in the new bushings was straight-forward. I recommend measure and mark each with permanent marker prior to job as many bushings and sleeves are very similar dimensionally and you don't...