1984 GMC S15 Clutch Flywheel Parts

Choose your Engine for your 1984 GMC S15

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products

  • aluminum flywheel
  • 0 Balance; 168 Teeth
  • Aluminum flywheel Chevy 1955-85/262-427/0 bal./168T
  • Aluminum Flywheel
  • Features:
    • Dynamically Balanced Within 1/2 oz./in. Of Factory Specifications
    • .250 in. Thick Steel Friction Insert
    • Surface Ground For Optimum Disc Mating Surface
    • Strictly Factory Warranty
  • The flywheel accepts one half of the load of the clutch system. To realize the potential of the clutch system, the flywheel must be flat, parallel to the crankshaft flange, properly surface ground for maximum friction compatibility with the clutch disc, and balanced. Dyno testing proves that flywheel balance is critical to achieving maximum engine service. Every RAM flywheel is dynamically balanced to within ? ounce/inch of the factory specification. RAM aluminum flywheels have a .250 inch thick steel friction insert to handle the heat generated under extreme conditions, while allowing resurfacing without the need to replace the insert. All RAM flywheels are manufactured from SFI certified materials in our South Carolina facility.

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block CC Engine CID
1984 - GMC S15 V - 6 Cyl 2.8L 173

  • steel flywheel
  • 168 Teeth; Zero Balance
  • Steel flywheel Chevy 1955-85/262-427/0 bal./168T
  • Steel Flywheel
  • Features:
    • Dynamically Balanced Within 1/2 oz./in. Of Factory Specifications
    • Surface Ground For Optimum Disc Mating Surface
    • Strictly Factory Warranty Only
  • The flywheel accepts one half of the load of the clutch system. To realize the potential of the clutch system, the flywheel must be flat, parallel to the crankshaft flange, properly surface ground for maximum friction compatibility with the clutch disc, and balanced. Dyno testing proves that flywheel balance is critical to achieving maximum engine service. Every RAM flywheel is dynamically balanced to within ? ounce/inch of the factory specification. RAM aluminum flywheels have a .250 inch thick steel friction insert to handle the heat generated under extreme conditions, while allowing resurfacing without the need to replace the insert. All RAM flywheels are manufactured from SFI certified materials in our South Carolina facility.

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Block CC Engine CID
1984 - GMC S15 V - 6 Cyl 2.8L 173
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products
