1991 Subaru Loyale Ishino Stone Parts

Choose your Transmission for your 1991 Subaru Loyale

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 products

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Transmission Position Drive Type
1991 - Subaru Loyale Manual Front Left 4WD

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position Drive Type
1991 - Subaru Loyale Front Left 4WD

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Rocker Cover

Additional Fitment Information:
1991 - Subaru Loyale

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Y-Pipe to Center Pipe This gasket is used between front converter (y-pipe) outlet and rear converter (center pipe) inlet.
  • Y-pipe to center pipe

Additional Fitment Information:
1991 - Subaru Loyale

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Cylinder Head to Y-pipe
  • Located between cylinder head and Y-pipe. It could be considered either an exhaust flange gasket or an exhaust manifold gasket.

Additional Fitment Information:
1991 - Subaru Loyale

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.
  • Cylinder Head to Y-pipe
  • Located between cylinder head and Y-pipe. It could be considered either an exhaust flange gasket or an exhaust manifold gasket.

Additional Fitment Information:
1991 - Subaru Loyale

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.

Additional Fitment Information:
1991 - Subaru Loyale

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.

Additional Fitment Information:
1991 - Subaru Loyale

Ishino Stone
  • This Original Equipment Manufacturer part is the same part that was made & installed by the car manufacturer at the factory where the car was produced.

Additional Fitment Information:
1991 - Subaru Loyale
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 products
