2004 Mazda B2300 Brake Drum - Rear Transit Auto

  • Features:
    • Exclusive G3000 heat-flowed castings iron and aluminum give our wheel cylinders the ideal balance between tensile and hardness
    • TQ OE-matched material gives our spring kit the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
    • TQ OE-matched friction material gives our brake shoe the ideal balance between tensile and hardness and provide consistent wear, long life, and quiet operation
    • Engineered with with Carbon-Enhanced G-Cast™ (G11H18/G3000) iron castings to achieve an optimal braking performance (strength, stability, durability)
    • Meets the brake performance requirements of SAE J1153 and J1154 testing, providing reliability and quality
    • Independently tested with Noise/Vibration/Harshness (NVH) and durability/wear testing
    • resulting in high quality and reliable products
    • Precision ground maximizes friction-to-drum contact
    • Kit Includes: 2x Rear Coated Genius Brake Drum (Both Side) + 2x Rear Kingstar Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (Both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Hardware Kit + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
    • Kit Variations: K8N-100104 K8N-100240 K8N-100311 KGN-100020 KGN-100058
    • Part Reference Numbers : AG8989 CD8989 PD8989 8923 8989 YH140697C YH140810C YH140697 YH140810 122.65020 122.65037 123.65020 123.65037 BD8923 4401355 4401657 125134 EC8989 2687 9498 BD125134E BD126367E BD60543E BD125134 BD126367 BD60543 341
  • Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.
This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
122.65020, 122.65037, 123.65020, 123.65037, 125134, 2687, 34184, 4401335, 4401657, 705, 705B, 7295, 8923, 8989, 9498, BD125134, BD125134E, BD126367, BD126367E, BD60543, BD60543E, BD8923, GCR-8989, H7210, H7295, HW7295, NB705, PD8989, T14-WC370061, W370061, WC134318, WC250000, WC370061, YH140697, YH140697C, YH140810, YH140810C

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
2004 Mazda B2300 Rear
10 In Stock
Best Price:

Special Price

$204.55 USD
$245.46 USD
Brand Transit Auto
Part # KGN-100091
Condition New
Warehouse E

Transit Auto

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  • With 10" Diameter Drum
  • Transit Auto Rear Coated Brake Drum Shoes Spring And Cylinders Kit For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000 B3000 B2300 B2500 With 10" Diameter KGN-100091
  • Transit Auto
  • General

    For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000 B3000 Rear Coat Brake Drum Shoes Spring Cylinder Kit
    2x Genius Brake Drum, 2x Kingstar Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder, 1x Top Quality Drum Brake Hardware Kit, 1x Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
    2x Brake Drum 2x Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder 1x Drum Brake Hardware Kit 1x Drum Brake Shoe
    2x Rear Coated Genius Brake Drum (both Side) + 2x Rear Kingstar Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (both Side) + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Hardware Kit + 1x Rear Top Quality Drum Brake Shoe Set
    Transit Auto Rear Coated Brake Drum Shoes Spring And Cylinders Kit Kgn-100091
    2x Genius Brake Drum 2x Kingstar Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder 1x Tq Drum Brake Hardware Kit 1x Tq Drum Brake Shoe
    2x Rear Coated Brake Drum (both Side) + 2x Rear Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder (both Side) + 1x Rear Drum Brake Hardware Kit + 1x Rear Drum Brake Shoe Set
    Transit Auto Rear Coated Brake Drum Shoes Spring And Cylinders Kit For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000 B3000 B2300 B2500 With 10" Diameter Kgn-100091
    Rear Coated Brake Drum Shoe Spring & Cylinder Kit For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000 B3000 B2300 Kgn-100091
    2x Brake Drum, 2x Drum Brake Wheel Cylinder, 1x Drum Brake Hardware Kit, 1x Drum Brake Shoe Set
    Transit Auto Rear Coated Brake Drum Shoes Spring And Cylinders Kit For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000 B3000 B2300 B2500 With 10" Diameter Kgn-100091
    [rear] Coated Brake Drum Shoes Spring & Cylinder Kit For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000
    Coat Brake Drum Shoes Spring Cylinder Rear Kit For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000 B3000
    Rear Coat Brake Drum Shoes Spring Cylinder Kit For Ford Ranger Mazda B4000 B3000


    13.40 in
    14.39 in
    17.32 in
    36.93 lb
    Information on technical characteristics, the delivery set, the country of manufacture and the appearance of the goods is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication.

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