Factory OEM part.Cable was perfect length, worked perfect out of the box.My car was running pretty good with 136,000 miles and no Check engine light or codes.Yet a friend of mine's car with 100,000 miles had a problem and when they replaced the o2 sensors the car ran much better. So I decided with the mileage I had to replace the o2 sensors, my car has 2 of them. I was correct that they were working OK yet with new ones my car runs better with more power.If you think about what these do and where they are, in the exhaust stream, it does make sense that they would become coated, they were, and less efficient as the miles roll up. So from now on I will replace them every 100,000 miles.I figure with price of fuel what it is and where it is going even a small improvement in fuel mileage is worth pursuing. So with my car running a little bit smoother with the feeling of more power I am happy with my choice.I had looked...