mPulse ignition coils are engineered for a faster rise time and a better spark duration
Produce 15% higher spark energy for increased performance
Ensure reliable voltage for smooth engine performance
Stores the ignition energy, lower fuel consumption and reduced exhaust emissions
Delivers high quality voltage to your spark plugs
Part Reference Numbers : GN10430 175310 IC720 36-8195 UF-617 See C-750 MF617
Kit Includes: 3x Ignition Coil
Part Reference Numbers : GN10430 175310 IC720 36-8195 UF-617 See C-750 MF617
Transit Auto offers the most comprehensive and highest-quality replacement kits on the market. Thanks to our cutting-edge AI, in-house product team, and proprietary fitment data, we are able to build and deliver the most accurate kits on the market. All our kits include the highest-quality parts on the market, sourced directly by Transit and its sub-brands. Backed by over 50 years of experience and with in-house quality assurance, every customer can purchase and drive with peace of mind. Transit Auto is the largest kit supplier, with over 100,000 kits, and the only supplier to provide the true picture of the kits and the complete buyer's guide. Whether you are a Do-It-Yourself enthusiast, a Mechanic, or a Garage, we have the right kit for you.
This Part Fits the Following OEM/Substitute Numbers:
175310, 36-8195, C-750, GN10430, IC720, MF617, N/A, See, UF-617
Information on technical characteristics, the delivery set, the country of manufacture and the appearance
of the goods is for reference only and is based on the latest information available at the time of publication.