1994 Lexus KYB (old box) Parts

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KYB (old box)
  • Excel-G
  • Production: 08/01/1994-
  • Front - Left

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position Prod. Date Range
1994 - Lexus ES300 Front Left Fr:08-01-94

KYB (old box)
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position Prod. Date Range
1994 - Lexus ES300 Rear Left Fr:08-00-93

KYB (old box)
  • Excel-G
  • Production: 08/01/1994-, Mark: 48510-50200
  • Front - Right

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position Prod. Date Range
1994 - Lexus ES300 Front Right Fr:08-01-94

KYB (old box)
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
1994 - Lexus SC400 Front

KYB (old box)
  • Excel-G
  • Production: 08/01/1993-07/31/1994
  • The 4" diameter disc welded to the KYB strut is not the spring seat. It is the support plate for the strut bearing and spring seat. If the Factory spring seat and bearing cannot be reused on the new KYB strut then the installer should replace them with KYB numbers SM5125 (bearing) and SM 5173 (spring seat).
  • Front - Right

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position Prod. Date Range
1994 - Lexus ES300 Front Right Fr:08-01-93 To:07-31-94

KYB (old box)
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position Prod. Date Range
1994 - Lexus ES300 Front Left Fr:08-01-93 To:07-31-94

KYB (old box)
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
1994 - Lexus SC400 Rear

KYB (old box)
Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
1994 - Lexus SC400 Front

KYB (old box)
  • Excel-G
  • Production: -09/1994, Excludes Electronic Pneumatic Suspension - Normal Ride
  • Front

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position Prod. Date Range
1994 - Lexus LS400 Front To:09-00-94

KYB (old box)
  • Excel-G
  • Except. Electronic Pneumatic Suspension - Rough Ride
  • Front

Additional Fitment Information:
Vehicle Position
1994 - Lexus LS400 Front
Showing 1 - 10 of 12 products
